Tattoo Interest Form

Please fill this out if you are interested in booking a NEW tattoo! If we have an ongoing project, contact me directly :)

Thank you for your interest in getting tattooed by me! Please be as descriptive as possible so I can ensure to design the perfect tattoo for you. Once I have received your interest form, I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can via email. Sometimes my emails get bounced to Spam, so please keep an eye out! This MUST be filled out before we can set an appointment, as I will let you know how long of an appointment you will need and how to leave a deposit. For larger pieces, in-depth pieces, or cover- ups I may ask you to book an in-person consultation, which is free, but for most smaller projects it won’t be necessary and everything can be set up via email!

Please keep in mind I do not tattoo hands, necks or faces of people that are not already heavily visibly tattooed. Although I love all styles of tattooing, I may not be the artist for every project. In the event I am not comfortable working with your idea I will do my best to recommend a better suited artist.

If my schedule is too full to accommodate you as soon as you wish, I can always try my best to refer you to one of my very talented friends!

Thank you!